B minor - The key of Bach's Badinerie, Flute - The main melody instrument in Badinerie, Diatonic - Within the key, Anacrusis - Upbeat (notes that start before the first beat of the bar), Allegro - Fast tempo, Continuo - Harmony and bass line in Baroque music, Binary Form - AB (AABB if repeated), J.S BACH - Composer of Baroque Music, V-I - Perfect Cadence, I-V - Imperfect Cadence, Ornamentation - Trills, Mordents, Appoggiaturas etc, Ritardando or rit - To slow down, Xylophone - Tuned percussion, Cymbal - Untuned percussion, Simple, Duple metre - 2/4, Tonality - Major/Minor/Pentatonic/Atonal, Harmonic rhythm - How quickly or slowly the chord changes in a bar, 7th movement of Bach's orchestral suite in Bminor  - Badinerie , 1738-1739 - Bach composed Badinerie, Chamber Music - One player per part and performed in small concert venues,


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