1) What are the four parts of a computer? a) Input, Storage, Processing, Output b) Input, Noise, Processing, Output c) Input, Brain, Processing, Output d) Input, Plane, Processing, Output 2) What is a bit? a) A key on the computer b) The Smallest Piece of Information a Computer can store c) A piece of the computer d) A piece from Space 3) How is the number 9 represented in the binary system a) 1101 b) 0101 c) 1010 d) 1001 4) Why are smaller computers faster then larger ones? a) Smaller Circuits have less distance the electrical signal has to go b) They are new c) They take less space up on a desk d) They have longer circuits, which makes processing quicker 5) How fast does electricity move? a) About the Speed of Light b) 1mph c) 2 m/s/s d) The Speed of Sound 6) How many Calculations per second can modern circuits perform a) 401 b) Millions c) Billions d) 1 7) What does a milling machine do? a) Creates a 2D object b) Plays Minecraft for you c) Teaches math d) Creates a 3D object  e)  Creates an IA character 8) What does CPU stand for in Computer Science? a) Computer Processor Undefined b) Computer Processing Unit c) Compting Processor Unit d) Computer Plane Unit 9) Which 6 are Computer Hardware Examples a) Circuits, Wires, Chips, Speakers, Plugs, Battery b) Circuits, Wires, Battery, Speaker, Battery, Plug, Batter c) Circuits, Wires, Chips, Moon, Plugs, Keyboard d) Circuits, Wires, Chips, Speakers, Apps, Keyboard 10) 6 Examples of Computer Software a) Apps, Circuit, Maps, Websites, Creative, Analysis b) Apps, Space, Maps, Websites, Creative, Analysis c) Apps, Games, Maps, Websites, Creative, Analysis d) Apps, Battery, Maps, Websites, Creative, Analysis 11) What is the CPU? a) Master chip that controls all of the other parts of computers b) A chip that stores battery c) A chip from space d) A chip that is in the computer for no reason 12) What is the operating system?What is the operating system? a) The main program that manages how software uses the hardware of a computer b) The main program that manages how hardware uses the software of a computer

How Computers Work


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