exclamation - An expression used to show a strong feeling, e.g. Oh! Wow!, determiner - A word which makes clear which noun is referred to or to give information about quantity, e.g. this, that, some, any, my, that car is mine., verb - A word used to show an action, state, event or process, e.g. ‘I like cheese.’; ‘He speaks Italian.’, preposition - ‘On’ ‘under’ ‘over,’ for example, adjective - A word that describes or gives more information about a noun or pronoun, e.g. a cold day., article - ‘The’, ‘a’, ‘an’, for example, noun - A person, place or thing, e.g. elephant, girl, grass, school, conjunction - A word used to connect words, phrases, clauses or sentences, e.g. ‘I like tea but I don’t like coffee because it’s too strong for me.’, adverb - A word that describes or gives more information about how, when, where or to what degree something is done, e.g. ‘He worked quickly and well.’, pronoun - A word that replaces or refers to a noun or a noun phrase just mentioned, e.g. ‘I saw John yesterday. He looked very well.’,

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