peer pressure - a feeling that you should do something because that is what your friends want, bullying - the use of threats or physical force to intimidate and control another person, odd one out - a person or thing that is different from or kept apart from others that form a group or set, to stand up for oneself - to defend oneself, to let sb down - to disappoint sb, to hand out with sb - to spend a lot of time with someone, skip/miss classes - do not attend lessons at school or college that you should attend, to influence sb/sth - having an effect or impact on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others, to regret sth/doing sth - to be sorry for doing sth, to discourage sb from doing sth - to prevent sb from doing sth, to persuade sb to do sth - to make sb do sth by giving them good reasons for doing it, to pick on sb - treat sb unfairly, by blaming, criticizing or punishing them,

Peer pressure (Starlight 11 (2b))

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