1) a ​cake ​containing a lot of ​dried ​fruit and ​nuts and ​covered with ​icing a) Christmas pudding b) brandy butter c) leftovers d) Christmas cake 2) a ​sweet, ​dark ​food ​containing ​dried ​fruit a) gingerbread man b) Christmas pudding c) mince pie d) leftovers 3) a ​sweet ​food made of ​sugar, ​butter, and ​brandy, ​served on ​Christmas ​pudding and ​mince ​pies a) Christmas cake b) candy cane c) brandy butter d) Christmas pudding 4) a ​piece of ​flavoured hard ​candy ​shaped like a ​cane a) Christmas cake b) Christmas pudding c) candy cane d) leftovers 5) a small pastry filled with mincemeat that is eaten mainly at Christmas a) Christmas cake b) brandy butter c) Christmas pudding d) mince pie 6) a hard ​ginger ​biscuit ​shaped like a ​person a) gingerbread man b) Christmas cake c) leftovers d) Christmas pudding 7) food ​remaining after a ​meal a) brandy butter b) mince pie c) leftovers d) Christmas pudding

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