1) List three environmental factors that influence good health in young children. 2) What will a preadmission medical exam help you learn about a child who is being enrolled? 3) List the immunization(s) needed for children at the following ages: A: 0 to 4 months, B: 12 to 18 months, C: 4 to 6 years 4) What should each child be provided with for napping? 5) Name four signs of illness you should watch for daily. 6) Explain the proper procedure for hand washing. 7) What is the difference between sanitizing and disinfecting? 8) Why should center staff take precautions when handling bodily fluids? 9) What is foodborne illness? 10) What is a wound? 11) What is the most common type of closed wound? 12) List two kinds of abrasions commonly found in the child care classroom. 13) Why should a doctor be contacted immediately if a child is bitten by an animal? 14) Which is the most serious type of burn? 15) How should you treat a first-degree burn caused by a child touching a hot object? 16) Within how long after an incident do most deaths from insect stings occur? 17) What are two clues that a choking child requires emergency procedures? 18) List two symptoms of head lice. 19) What should child care teachers offer to a child who is having an insulin reaction? 20) What is epilepsy?

Chapter 13 Recall & Review


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