attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder - a childhood disorder characterized by inattention, distractibility, impulsiveness, and/or excesssive activity and restlessness, autistic disorder - a childhood disorder characterized by a failure to develop normal patterns of communication, social interactions, and emotional responses, echoalia - an autistic symptom in which the person "echoes" or repeats what has just been said, anxiety disorders - disorders whose major symptom is anxiety, anxiety - a generalized feeling of apprehension and pending disaster, panic disorder - a type of anxiety disorder characterized by frequent and overwhelming attacks of anxiety that are not associated with specific objects or events, phobic disorder - an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations, specific phobia - fear of objects or specific situations or events, agoraphobia - the fear of leaving a familiar environment, especially home, obsession - an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone, compulsion - a symptom involving repeated symbolic, ritualized behavior, obsessive-compulsive disorder - an anxiety disorder characterized by both repetitive thoughts and ritualized, repetitive behavior, somatoform disorder - a condition in which psychological issues are expressed in bodily symptoms in the absence of any real physical problem, conversion disorder - a somatoform disorder in which psychological problems are exhibited as physical symptoms, hypochondriasis - a somatoform disorder characterized by feeling excessive concern about one's health and exxaggerating the seriousness of minor complaints, dissociative disorders - disorders in which memory of a part of one's life becomes disconnected from other parts;amnesia,fugue and dissociative identity disorder are examples, amnesia - a dissociative disorder in which traumatic events semm to disappear from memory, selective forgetting - forgetting only things that are very traumatic, fugue - a dissociative disorder in which a person forgets his or her current life and starts a new one somewhere else, dissociative identity disorder - a dissociative disorder in which a person divides himself or herself into separate personalities that can act independently,

Mental Disorders

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