Paranoid - Mistrust & suspicion, jealous as adults, Schizoid - Avoid others, disconnected, Schizotypal - Less impairing type of Schizophrenia – carefully assess for brief episodes of hallucinations, Borderline - Severe impairment to function, impulsive and self-destructive, *Splitting and at a high risk for self-harm, Antisocial - Absence of remorse or guilt, high IQ, can be manipulative, Histrionic - Drama queen, flamboyant, excessive emotions without insight on effect of relationships, Narcissistic - Lack of empathy, exaggerated self-importance, weak self-esteem, Dependent - Need to be taken care of, fear of abandonment – intense anxiety when left alone, Obsessive-Compulsive - Rigid and inflexible, always planning/rehearsing for social responses, “perfectionist” but standards interfere with project completion, Avoidant - Feel inferior, low self-esteem, reluctant to engage with new people from fear of rejection,

Personality Disorders

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