Affixes - A letter or group of letters that comes at the beginning or ending of a word and has a meaning of its own., Recount - To tell about the most important events of a story, including the theme, moral, or lesson., Cause - A person or thing that makes something happen., Effect - An event created by a cause. , Explicitly - Fully expressed (right there) in the text., Implicit - Understood only after combining the text with personal experience., Central Message - The big idea or lesson a story teaches., Fable - A short story that teaches a lesson. The characters are usually animals that act like people., Context Clue - Words that come before or after an unfamiliar word in a sentence., Root Word - A basic word with no prefix or suffix added., Influence - The act of causing an effect. , Character Traits - The way a character or person in a story acts and is part of their personality. For example: Lazy, Hard-Working, Sequence - The order in which things are or should be connected, related, or dated. , Contribute - To give along with others. , Key Details - A word or phrase that gives important information about an event like who, what, when, where, why, and how., Shades of Meaning - Refer to words that describe what you are thinking or feeling and help us to see which words show a stronger meaning. For example: Mad, Angry, Upset, Furious., Convey - To make known or to communicate an idea from one person to another through reading, writing, and speaking., Lesson - Something learned or taught., Solution - The act or process of solving a problem., Prefix - A pair or group of letters added to the front of a root word to change its meaning., Suffix - A pair or group of letters added to the end of a root word to change its meaning., Moral - A lesson taught for how people should behave., Strategies - A carefully developed plan or method for achieving goals. , Demonstrate - To prove or make clear using evidence., Multiple Meaning Words - Words that are spelled the same, and usually sound the same, but have different meanings (also called homonyms)., Diverse - Made up of unlike but equally important qualities., Myth - Stories that have heroes and monsters, gods and goddesses which are written to explain something that happens in nature., Emotion - A strong feeling such as hatred, love, fear, and jealosy.,


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