Infinitive with to: After adjectives, After too + adjective, After adjective + enough, After pronouns or nouns denoting people , After "but" and "except", "It`s good/better/best" and "It`s the best time", agree, decide, deserve, expect, hope, learn, offer, promise, seem, wait, tend, would like, Gerund: As a subject or as a noun (object), After prepositions, "Can`t bear/stand", "be keen on", "not mind", "it`s not worth", "it`s no use" , admit, advise, avoid, consider, involve, risk, suggest, enjoy, despise, end up, imagine, discuss, miss, loathe, deny, not mind, Bare infinitive: After "let", "make" and "help", After modal verbs, After "had better" and "would rather",

Infinitive vs Gerund

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