Bear Crawl: Bear Crawl for 20 Seconds and let me hear you growl!!, Jumping Jacks: Do 15 Jumping Jacks. Move your body together, 'IN and then OUT', Toss & Catch: Toss a small ball, pair of socks, stuffed animal, etc. to YOURSELF and CATCH 10X, Stand on 1 Leg: Stand as long as you can on 1 leg and then switch sides. Are you a flamingo?, Frog Jumps: How far can you frog jump? Jump 5 times in a row and see how far you can go!, Walking on Heels: Walk around the room on your heels for 20 seconds., Walk like a Penguin: Waddle like a penguin. How fast can you waddle in 20 seconds?, You're a Donkey: Let's see you kick like a donkey! Kick both legs up in the air for 20 seconds., Feeling Crabby?: Crab walk it off! Crab walk, keeping your bottom up, for 20 seconds., Let's Jump!: Keep those feet together and jump like a kangaroo! See if you can jump 20 times!, Jump Rope: Pretend you're holding a jump rope. Can you jump and turn your arms at the same time? Ready set go!, Hula-Hoop: Pretend you're hula-hooping! Circle your hips for 20 seconds one way, and then 20 seconds the other way., Trampoline Jump: You're on a trampoline! How high can you jump? Give me 10 high jumps and reach for the sky!!, Dance Party: Get ready to boogie! Show me your best moves for 1 minute!.

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