True: The Hunting Act 2005 made fox hunting illegal., The red fox is a very adaptable animal, Vulpes Vulpes is the scientific names for the red fox., Red foxes can live in Artic conditions as well as near desert conditions., The Master has total control over a hunt., A hound's tail is called a 'stern'., All hounds have a name and everyone of them knows their name., False: The red fox is common only in the countryside., The Red fox is the only species of fox in the world., Hounds work in pairs known as a 'family'., Most hunt staff wear blue coats when out hunting., When hunting horses that kick wear a green ribbon while young horses wear a red ribbon., A 'Whelp' is a newborn kitten, The hunting season takes place between April and August,

True or false1 Statements about fox hunting #SEWALES

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