SIOP  Model - An effective research based tool for lesson planning and teaching English learners., CALP - Language abilities required for academic work; complex, conceptual language proficiency., BICS - Conversational language used in everyday activities., EL/NES/LEP/NNS/ML - Students who are learning English as a second or additional language., L1 - An individual’s first or primary language; native language, ESOL - English to Speakers of Other Languages, Sheltered Instruction - A method of making content comprehensible to students while developing language skills., Scaffolding - Teacher support for learning and student performance of tasks; activities provide support for learning and are removed as learners demonstrate behaviors., Formative Assessment - Ongoing collection, analysis and reporting of information about student performance for purpose of instruction and learning., Summative Assessment - The final collection, analysis and reporting of information about a student’s achievement at the end of a given time., Content Objective - Statements that identify what students should know and be able to do in a particular content area., Language Objective - Statements that identify what students should know and be able to do while using English skills.,

SIOP Vocabulary Preassessment


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