a sissy  - a boy who other boys dislike because he is weak and not brave, a peer  - a person who is the same age, social position or has the same abilities as other people in a group, to judge a book by its cover - to form an opinion about someone just by looking at them, a geek - a person, especially a man, who is boring and not fashionable, to break a stereotype - to change how people view or think of someone/something, sensitive - a person who can cry or get upset if you hurt their feelings, to follow the crowd - to do what most other people do, overweight - fat , to make fun of - to make a joke about someone or something in a way that is not kind, gypsies - Romani people, a drama queen - someone who gets too angry or sad over small problems, to fit in - to feel that you belong to some group and they accept you,


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