Have you got any sweaters? – Yes, I’ve got three., Has Mag got any bows? – No, she hasn’t., Have you got any good boots? – No, I haven’t got any., Has Bill got any candies? – Yes, he has got some., Have you got any big spoons? – No, I haven’t., I haven’t got any trousers on the chair., I haven’t got any ducks in the box., Bess hasn’t got any dolls on the desk., The mother hasn’t got any dusters. She has got some pens., I haven’t got any apples. I’ve got some berries., Bess hasn’t got any dolls on the desk., I’ve got some puppies. , I’ve got some berries. , I’ve got some jackets., Sam has got some pencils. , Bob has got some pets. , Nat has got some vests.

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