dir - List the contents of the current directory.(WIN), /? - adding "__" after a command displays its help documentation., help - typing "____" followed by a command displays its help documentation., cls - Clears the screen.(WIN), sudo - executes a command with administrative privileges, ls - lists the files and directories in the current directory. (Unix)), su - When used without any arguments, the “__” command switches to the root user account, prompting for the root password. Once authenticated, the user gains access to all files and directories on the system, and can perform any system-level tasks., clear - clears the screen.(Unix), switch - In the context of computing, a “______” is an argument added to a command or program that modifies its behavior or functionality., man - displays the manual page of a command, cd - Change the current directory., cd/ - takes you to the root directory, . - shows where you are, .. - shows folder above where you are, "Drive letter": - takes you to specific drive, tab - auto fills available commands.(Unix), ss~ - puts you in the home directory.(Unix), pwd - shows you what directory you're in.(Unix), md / mkdir - Create a new directory, rd / rmdir - Remove Directory, del / erase - Delete a file., *(Asterisk) - a wildcard character that matches any sequence of characters, including zero characters., *.* (asterisk dot asterisk) - a wildcard pattern that matches any file name with any file extension in the current directory and its subdirectories., rm - removes files or directories.(Unix), cp - copies files or directories from one location to another.(Unix), mv - moves or renames files or directories.(Unix), move - moves files to a different directory.(WIN), copy - copies files to a different directory(WIN), cat - this command allows the creation of single or multiple files, view file contents, concatenate files, and redirect output in the terminal to a file., dig - this command is used to query the domain name system (DNS) to obtain information about host addresses, mail exchanges, nameservers, and related information.,
Chapter 15 CLI | 59. Understanding the CLI 60. Navigating the CLI 61. Working with folders
Chia sẻ
Bash shell
Basic WIN and Unix CLI
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