1) what dose a actual fire dragon breathe out a) acid that looks like fire  b) nothing just fire c) hot steam d) just hot air e) hydrogen 2) what is my favorite dragon a) void dragon b) fire dragon c) water dragon d) earth dragon e) Air Dragon 3) what is the weight of the dragon a) 100 Pounds b) 5 trillion pounds  c) 1b pound  d) 50 pounds e) 25 pounds f) 75 pounds 4) can a water dragon kill meg  a) yes  b) no 5) what dose a void dragon breathe out a) purple fire b) void plasma c) void thunder d) void acid 6) what is the weight of a dragon egg  a) 87 grams b) 50 pounds c) 5 pounds 7) STOP how do you spell my name a) JOREL b) jorel c) Jorel d) Joel e) JOEL f) JO-EL

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