Working_________ as an IT professional can be both challenging and rewarding, but it's important to remember that career growth often requires stepping out of your comfort zone and taking on new responsibilities. - full-time, To ______________as a web-developer, it's not just about technical skills but also about being able to ___________ effectively with clients, collaborate with team members, and problem-solve in a fast-paced environment. - work, communicate, To succeed in the IT industry, it's not enough to work full-time or __________a degree in the field - you must also _____as a lifelong learner to keep up with with the ever-changing technologies. - have, train, The best way to achieve your job goals in IT is not to just _______for a degree or _____ courses, but also seek out opportunities for learning and development. - study, take, Working __________ a reputable IT company is a great way to gain experience in the industry, but sometimes __________your own company can be an even more rewarding experience. - for, running,

Conversation Starter B1 Profiles (IT edition)

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