Expensive - The new silk sheets I bought for my bed feel so luxurious! What does luxurious mean?, To be aware of - Marty was alarmed to notice a spider hanging from its web right in front of him. What does notice mean?, To keep from happening - Unfortunately, there’s no way to prevent natural disasters from happening. What does prevent mean?, To make available - My speech therapist likes to provide me with books so I can practice my skills. What does provide mean?, To be able to be trusted - My parents have to shop for a reliable car. What does reliable mean?, A habit - Amanda is in the routine of washing her hands after she uses the restroom. What does routine mean?, common - A typical day for me includes breakfast, school, homework, chores, and play time. What does typical mean?, something to look at - Ms. Smith likes to give me a visual to help me better understand what I’m learning. What does visual mean?, to offer to do something - I decided to volunteer to feed the baby. What does volunteer mean?, able to be seen - The solar eclipse will be visible from our backyard! What does visible mean?,

Context Clues Vocabulary


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