dexterity - fine-motor movements that are smooth and rather effortless., regression - Going back to an earlier stage of development., constrict - Become smaller, more closed., deformation - Abnormal or unusual shape., dilate - Become larger, more open., erratic - Unusual, inconsistent, indomitable - Incapable of being subdued; stubborn like., lenient - Easy-going, not strict., merits - Deserves to be worth of something like reward, punishment, or attention., rigid - Stiff or restricted, sedentary - Characterized by little physical activity., timid - Shy, complementary.foods - Solid foods that provide nutrition in addition to their milk., eye-hand.coord - ability of the vision system to work/guide/direct the hands in activities, - development in the trunk, arm, and leg , oils - fats that are liquid at room temperature, food.allergy - the immune system reacting to certain proteins in food., - development in the fingers and hands,

Vocabulary Chapter 11 Crossword, Child Development

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