Watch for liver toxicity, avoid anything with alcohol , Reversal of opioid overdose, Prevent relapse of alcohol and drug abuse, prevents lingering withdrawal effect, Help with reducing craving / high / reward of drug abuse, Norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRI) antidepressant - used to reduce nicotine craving, Nicotine substitute to help reduce craving and withdrawal s/sx - black box warning for suicide, Medication used to treat and reduce seizures during alcohol detoxification, Medications used to reduce blood pressure and heart rate during aduring alcohol detoxification, Medication used for mild to moderate state of Alzheimer's - help perform self care and slow cognitive deterioration  , Medication used in severe stated of Alzheimer's disease - blocks entry of calcium into nerve cells which slows down brain-cell death,

MH: Dementia vs Delirium Medications

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