1) what team does Cristano Ronaldo play for right now? a) Real Mardrid b) Liverpool c) juventus d) Manchester United e) Al Nessar f) Paris Saint Germen 2) Is Messi the GOAT a) no b) yes c) never d) sometimes e) always will be 3) Who won the World Cup on 2018 a) Argentina b) Germany c) Portugal d) Netherlands e) France f) Brazil 4) Who won the Ball' o dor for 2022 a) Benzy b) Messi c) Ronaldo d) Sergio Ramos e) Bmappe f) Emilo Martinez 5) What is Ronaldo's networth a) 600M b) 700M c) 200M d) 300M e) 400M f) 100M 6) who is better a) aubrey b) fabian c) ian d) adonis e) panfilito f) geovanni 7) who is kinda good a) aubrey b) jarley c) marila d) karla e) hadley 8) who is the best in their dreams a) aubrwey b) jarely c) geovanni

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