needless to say  - to give information that is expected and not surprising, to give them their proper title - to clarify the name for smth, not to put too fine a point on it  - to be completely direct and honest =I think she's wrong - ........., to be more precise - to say that the information you are giving about smth is more exact than what you have said before, to put it mildly - to say that the words you have chosen are not as extreme as they could have been, to begin with - to give the first important reason for smth, to cap it all - to mention smth in addition to all the other (bad) things that have happened, to name but a few - used after mentioning a small number of things as examples of a larger group, to add insult to injury / to make matters worse - to make an argument or bad situation worse, to be perfectly honest / to put it bluntly - to tell smn what you really think, even if it might upset them, to cut a long story short - to explain what happened in a few words, without giving all the details,

Roadmap C1 1C Infinitive phrases

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