1) What kind of technology is used to investigate space? a) Artificial satellites b) Telescopes c) Space stations d) All of them 2) It is a telescope a) b) c) d) 3) When was created the first telescope? a) 1600 b) 1608 c) 1700 d) 1708 4) Who discovered sunspots, Jupiter's moons, Craters of the Moon and Venus? a) Galileo Galillei b) Hans Lippershey c) Zacharias Janssen d) Lyman Spitzer 5) The _____________ use a combustion engine. a) Space stations b) Artificial Satellites c) Ferries d) Rockets 6) The _____________________ ____________________ orbit around the Earth, the Moon, the asteroids and other planetsand other planets. a) Space rockets b) Optical telescopes c) Artificial satellites d) Ferries space 7) It is an artificial satellite a) b) c) d) 8) The _____________ _________________  are designed spaceships to get off the surface land. a) Space rockets b) Artificial satellites c) Space stations d) Space probes

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