Essential Vocabulary - High frequency use : To liaise with / li ei s/ = to network , My work involves writing , To fill in orders , To deal with invoices , Tenders ( licitaciones), To find out = to learn (enterarse), I feel sure that …… ( certainty ) , I don’t feel confident that… ( segura de vos misma), R&D Research and Development I + D , Trade fairs, To adjust a price according to inflation, Raw materials, Less Important Vocabulary . Lower frequency Use: To have an appointment, To have a good /bad time, From then on, To fall into arrears ( se atrasan), I like to entertain ( receive guests), Maintenance , Party hall, Craft bread, To skip a rope, I took forever to reach Bernal.,

PR Vocabulary Revision Activity 18 and 22 September

Bảng xếp hạng

Phong cách trực quan

Tùy chọn

Chuyển đổi mẫu

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