Phospholipids - The cell membrane is made of, Hydrophilic - Phospholipid heads are (like water), Hydrophobic - Phospholipid tails are (fear water), Semi-permeable - Ability of the cell membrane to regulate what enters and leaves the cell, Homeostasis - Provide balance and equilibrium of the internal environment, Passive - Type of transport that does NOT use energy, Active - Type of transport that DOES use energy, Diffusion - Movement of small particles from high concentration to low concentration, Facilitated - Type of diffusion where large molecules move from high to low concentration using a protein channel, Osmosis - Diffusion of water across a cell membrane, Active transport - Movement of large molecules from low to high concentration with use of energy, Endocytosis - Large molecules pulled into the cell using a vacuole, Phagocytosis - Cell eating using endocytosis, Pinocytosis - Cell drinking using endocytosis, Exocytosis - Large molecules forced out of the cell using a contractile vacuole, Isotonic - Same concentration inside and outside of the cell; balanced, Hypertonic - Higher solute concentration outside of the cell; water moves out of the cell, Hypotonic - Lower concentration of solute outside of the cell; water moves into the cell, Solute - Substance (like salt or sugar) that is dissolved to make a solution, Vacuole - Sac-like organelle structure that stores materials for the cell,

Cell Transport

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