1) __________ works at the National Bank. (Mary) a) she b) her 2) Please give __________ the book. (Peter) a) he b) his c) him 3) That's __________ book on the table. (I) a) me b) our c) my 4) __________ enjoy watching movies on Friday evenings. (My brother and I) a) our b) us c) we 5) That's a great song! I enjoyed listening to __________ last week. (the song) a) it b) its c) him 6) Alison should ask __________ why they aren't here. (Mary and Frank) a) they b) them c) theirs d) us 7) I think __________ idea is crazy! (You) a) yours b) you c) your 8) __________ color is red. (The car) a) its b) it c) he 9) Tom gave __________ some advice. (The children, my wife and I) a) us b) we c) our 10) __________ study French in college. (Peter, Anne, and Frank) a) they b) them c) their 11) She ate __________ quickly and left for work. (breakfast) a) it b) its c) her 12) I'd like to hear __________ opinion. (Susan) a) his b) her c) she 13) Would you like to buy __________ cookies? (My friends and I) a) our b) we c) us 14) She works for __________ company. (John) a) him b) he c) his 15) She works for __________. (John) a) him b) he c) his

Subject and Object Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives

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