kimonos - When I went to Japan I saw women wearing beautiful, silk ____________., craters - There are many ______________ on the moon where asteroids and meteors have hit the surface., imperial - The __________________ ruler of France wore a gold crown., shogun - The men in the military listened carefully to the _______________ because he was their leader., tremors - When I woke up this morning I knew that an earthquake was coming because I felt the ______________ and saw my bed shake., futons - My family lives in Japan and we sleep on ________________ when we go to bed., electronics - When I got home from school I plugged in my _______________ so that they could charge and have full battery., tatami - I rolled up the _______________ that was on the ground so that I could sweep the floor., tsunami - People on the news were reporting about the __________________ that happened on the coast of Japan yesterday and destroyed many buildings.,

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