Heat - The energy transferred between objects that are at different temperatures, Conduction - Energy is transferred by direct contact. , Convection - The transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid, Radiation - The transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves, Insulator - A material that does not allow heat or electrons to move through it easily., Conductor - A material that transmit heat well., Thermal expansion - An increase in the size of a substance when the temperature goes up, Thermal contraction - A decrease in a material's volume when its temperature decreases, Electromagnetic waves - A form of energy that can travel through space., Thermal energy - Heat that moves from hot object to cold objects, Heating - Energy transfer that increases the kinetic energy of particles, Cooling - Heat being lost, Refraction  - The change of direction of light when it travels from one medium to another. , Reflection - It occurs when a wave bounces back after striking a barrier., Diffraction  - The bending of waves when they pass though a small opening. ,

Energy Conservation/Transfer

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