What do you consider to be your child’s outstanding accomplishments/qualities? Why did you select these as the most important?, In what areas has your child shown the most growth and development in the last four years?, If you could describe your son or daughter in five adjectives, what would they be?, Are there any unusual or personal circumstances that have affected your child’s education or personal experiences? If yes, please describe., If your child has a diagnosed disability, is this something you want us to comment on? If yes, please be specific about the information you would like us to share., Please feel free to add any additional comments if they did not fit into the space provided above., How do you encourage leadership skills at home?, What made you decide to apply to our school?, Describe your child's personality. What do you notice most about him or her?, How do you encourage your child to approach academic and social challenges?  , What skills do you want your child to gain or improve during high school?, Why do you want a private school experience?, What is one attribute you possess that makes you a successful student?, Tell me about a time when you had to speak up for yourself or work with an adult who's not a family member to solve a problem., What is a qualify of yours that allows you to contribute positively to the communities which you belong?.

Private School Interview for Parents


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