what is muzan's last name? - Kibutsuji, Why does muzan seek the blue spider lily? - to conquer the sun, Who is Muzan's wife? - rue, Who almost killed muzan? - yoriichi, Why does muzan want to kill tanjiro? - because tanjiro has the same earrings as yoriichi, How does muzan die? - Because he is exposed to the sunlight, Who does Muzan turn into the demon king after he dies? - tanjiro, Bonus questions: Does tanjiro turn back into a human? How or why? - Yes, he does.Because of lady tamayo's medicne, Bonus: What injuries are left on tanjiro after he is turned back? Does he survive? Who gave him these injuries? - he cant see through one eye and his arm is very weak. Yes he survives. MUzan did, Does tanjiro die at age 25? why? - He does because he had the mark. He was not born with it.,
Flash cards demon slayer: Muzan edition + bonus questions:tanjiro
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