string - a linear sequence of characters, words, or other data, dichotomous - in which something can only be one thing or another (yes or no), binary code - code represented with the two symbols of 1 and 0, bits - the foundation for digital computing (1s and 0s) - short for binary digits, decimal - describes the base-10 number system. The most commonly used number system., digital - how information is stored, accessed, transformed and used by computers, state space - the space of potential possibilities, floating-point numbers - numbers where the decimal point can float because there is no fixed number of digits before and after the decimal point. AKA: real numbers, real numbers - numbers approximated by floating-point representations that do not necessarily have infinite precision., scientific notation - the mathematical representation of a decimal number in floating-point form., exponential growth - the rate of growth that rapidly increases in proportion to the growing total number or size., fixed-point numbers - numbers where the decimal point is always in the same place,

11.16.23 Do Now U3L4 Programming Binary


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