1. Weather 2. A bad smell 3. Insects. - When is it not necessary to eat\sleep in the sukkah?, Anything that can protect you. - What can be used for the walls of the sukkah?, Two and a half. - What's the minimum amount of walls a sukkah must have?, At least ten tefachim and not taller than twenty amos. - What's the minimum and maximum height a sukkah must be?, Two of them must be seven tefachim, the other one must be one tefach. - What's the minimum length the walls of the sukkah must be?, Something that grows from the ground,but is no longer connected. - What must the roof be made of?, One kezayis. - What's the minimum amount of bread we must eat in the sukkah on the first night of Sukkos?,

Yahadus Book 2, Unit 58

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