cementation - process of binding and hardening of sediments into hard rock, compaction - process by which overlying pressure from rocks and soil reduces the size or volume of sediments, decomposition - the process by which dead plants and animals decay or rot, deposition - process by which weathered and eroded material is deposited by wind, water, and ice, environment - all of the living and nonliving elements in a particular (geographic) area, erosion - the movement of weathered material by wind, water, or ice (e.g. glaciers), evidence - facts or other information supporting a claim or proposition, fossil fuels - fuels formed over millions of years from the remains of ancient plants and animals; examples include coal, petroleum (oil) and natural gas, landform - a physical structure on earth that occurs naturally, model - a picture, idea, or object that represents an object, a system, or process and is used to help with understanding; models have advantages and limitations, organism - a living thing that grows, reproduces, responds to its environment, and can function on its own, process of formation - the method by which a substance or object is formed, weathering - process by which exposed rock is broken down by rain, frost, wind, or other elements of weather,

Science, Grade 5, Unit 4: Investigating Earth's Changes

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