electric motor - a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy to produce motion., exhaled air - air that comes out of our lungs, glowing splint - a small stick or strip of wood that has been heated until it glows, used to test for the presence of oxygen., diaphragm - a thin, flexible sheet that separates two areas or spaces., free electron - an electron that is not bound to an atom and can move freely., efficiency - the ability to do something well without wasting time, energy, or resources., electromagnet - a temporary magnet created by passing an electric current through a coil of wire wrapped around an iron core., cobalt chloride paper - a special type of paper that changes color when it comes in contact with water or moisture., glucose - a simple sugar that is an important source of energy for living organisms., food chain - a series of organisms that depend on each other for food and energy., electric circuit - a path for electricity to flow through, usually made up of wires and other components., electron - a tiny particle with a negative charge that orbits the nucleus of an atom., fuse - a safety device that breaks the circuit if too much current flows through it., control set up - the process of setting up an experiment to ensure accurate results by having a group that does not receive any treatment or manipulation., electrical conductor - a material that allows electricity to flow through it easily., consumer - a person who buys and uses goods or services., destarch - the process of removing starch from a plant or food source., electric current - the flow of electric charge through a conductor., electrical insulator - a material that does not allow electricity to flow through it easily.,
G8 Voc Living Thing and Electricity C-G #2
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