translanguaging - both a teaching approach and a language practice; also a theory that posists that multilinguals have a single linguistic repetoire rather than or more autonomous language systems, bridging  - the instructional moment when teachers help students transfer what they have learned from one language to another, oracy - "literacy of the spoken word"; oral language proficiency, language development  - the acquisition of the oral and written systems of the student's first and second languages such as phonology, vocabulary, morphology and syntax, semantics, pragmatics, paralinguistic and discourse, sociocultural context - the association of language with the culture and community in which it is used, Culturally sustaining pedagogy - a strengths-based instructional approach that centers and sustains the cultural and linguistic identities, experiences, and ways of knowing of diverse students, families/caregivers, and communities., functional approach to language development  - explicit teaching of how language works {within texts} ,

ML 102 Session Best Practices Matching Activity

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