Alda P. Dobbs - Barefoot Dreams of Petra Luna, Ann Braden - The Benefits of Being an Octopus, Anne Blankman - The Blackbird Girls, Alyson Gerber - Focused, Hanna Alkaf - The Girl and the Ghost, Phil Bildner - A High-Five for Glenn Burke, J.R.R. Tolkein - The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, Jasmine Warga - Other Words for Home, Tanita S. Davis - Partly Cloudy, Matthew Cody - Powerless, John David Anderson - Stowaway, Rob Harrell - Wink, Mike Jung - The Boys in the Back Row, Christina Diaz Gonzalez & Gabriela Epstein - Invisible, Colleen AF Venable & Stephanie Yue - Katie the Catsitter, Saadia Faruqi - Yusuf Azeem is Not a Hero,

6th Grade Titles & Authors


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