amniocentesis - a prenatal test in which a needle id inserted through the woman's abdomen into the amniotic sac to obtain a fluid sample for testing, baby blues - mild form of mental illness that may result after giving birth, certified nurse midwives - persons who are specially trained to deliver babies BUT not handle delivery problems, caesarean section - delivery method in which the mother's abomen and uterus are surgically opened to remove the baby, congenital problem - physical or biochemical problem in a baby that is present at birth, dilation - the opening of the cervix during labor, episiotomy - incision made in the vagina to prevent tearing as the baby is born, forceps - a curved tool tha is used to help the doctor ease a baby down the birth canal, labor - process that moves the baby out of the mother's body, lightening - change in the baby's position that indicates birth is nearing, low birth weight - a term describing that weighs less than 5 1/2 pounds at birth, miscarriage - loss of baby BEFORE 20 weeks of pregnancy, postpartum care - the medical help a mother receives during the 6-8 weeks following childbirth, postpartum depression - serious form of mood disorder after givning birth, postpartum psychosis - an extreme form of mental illness that may result after giving birth, pregnancy-induced hypertension - high blood pressure caused by pregnancy, premature - term describing a baby born too soon, stillbirth - loss of baby after the 20th week of pregnancy, ultrasound - prenatal test in which sound waves bounce off the fetus to produce an image of the fetus in the uterus, vacuum extraction - technique that uses suction to help the doctor move the baby down the birth canal,

Prenatal Care and Childbirth


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