kidnapping - if you take someone away illegally by force and ask for money in exchange for releasing them, burglary - if you enter a building and steal things, bank robbery - if you steal money from a bank, shoplifting - if you steal items from a shop, pickpocketing - if you steal things secretly out of pockets or bags, blackmailing - if you threaten someone to reveal some information unless you get paid for remaining silent, murder - if you kill someone, vandalism - if you damage public property, mugging - if you steal things by attacking people, piracy - if you copy a film, music or a computer program illegally, speeding - if you drive a car too fast, cybercrime - if you do an illegal activity that is done using the internet, bribery - if you give money to influence another person's decision or behaviour, domestic violence - if you behave violently inside your home towards someone that lives with you,

Crime (Vocabulary)

Bảng xếp hạng

Phong cách trực quan

Tùy chọn

Chuyển đổi mẫu

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