Do you smoke? Why? / Why not?, Why do people start smoking?, Are people allowed to smoke at your school or workplace? Why? / Why not?, Are there warnings on cigarette packs in your country? Do they stop people smoking?, Should the government ban smoking in your country? Why? / Why not?, Why is it so difficult to quit smoking?, Should parents be allowed to smoke near their children? Why? / Why not?, Do you think smoking looks “cool”?, Can you see cigarette commercials (advertisements) on TV? Why? / Why not?, Are you addicted to anything (like TV, the Internet, coffee …)? What?, At what age do many people start to smoke?, What kinds of health problems can smoking cause?, Is it safer to smoke pipes than cigarettes? Why? / Why not?, Should smokers be allowed to throw cigarette butts on the ground? Why? / Why not?, Is smoking expensive? How much does a pack of cigarettes cost?.

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