1. As I walked through the crowded market, I ____ my friend across the street. 2. The bouncer at the club looked ____ with his towering height and stern expression. 3. After trying sushi for the first time, she got ____ and couldn't stop craving it. 1. During the Black Friday sale, shoppers were ____ each other to grab the best deals. 2. After accidentally spilling his drink, he quickly ____to avoid embarrassment. 3. His ____ cowardice was evident when he ran away from the smallest sign of danger. 1. When learning a new language, it's helpful to ____ from native speakers and mimic their pronunciation. 2. Were it ____ your timely intervention, I would have missed my flight. 3. The two rival animals fought with ____ for dominance over the territory. 1. The tabloid magazine often ____ celebrities as villains to sell more copies. 2. The cat liked to ____ through the garden, exploring every nook and cranny. 3. Through diligent research, scientists were able to ____ the mysteries of the ancient artifact. 1. In the synchronized swimming competition, the team worked together ____ to perform their routine flawlessly. 2. Psychologists aim to ____ specific behaviours to better understand human cognition. 3. Male lions typically father the ____ and play a role in protecting their pride.

National Geographic (Hyenas)

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