Renewable Energy - Energy that can be easily replaced. (ex. solar energy, wind energy, and water energy), Nonrenewable Energy (Fossil Fuels) - Energy sources that cannot be easily recreated or reused. Takes millions of years to form. (ex. coal, oil, and natural gas) They are formed from decayed plants and animals., Energy - The ability to do work., Solar Energy - Energy that is created from the sun., Wind Energy - Energy that is created by the wind., Water Energy - Energy that is created by moving water. It is also called hydropower., Pollution - The introduction of harmful materials into the environment., Consumption - The using up of a resource., Conservation - Prevention of wasteful use of resources., Efficiency - The use of less energy to perform the same task., Law of Conservation - States that energy is either created nor destroyed, it is only converted from one form of energy to another., Harness - Control and make use of natural resources, especially to produce energy.,

Earth Resources


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