But it's not truth - it isn't the truth OR it's not true , Of course, it's very usefull and neccesary skill - of course, it's A very usefull and necessary skill, I can't follow for some schedule - I can't follow the schedule/ my schedule/ a schedule , Although these two pints - In spite of/ despite these two points , в жизни каждого - in everyone's life NOT in life everyone , see for your schedule - look at your schedule , We went manage our time effective - We wnat TO manage our time effectively , У меня ДОСТАТОЧНО денег - I have ENOUGH money , встреча, запись - appointment , поубирать в квартире  - clean/tidy (up) the apartment , нанять сотрудников - hire staff ,

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Thẻ thông tin là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.

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