1) boooger is really a) smoll b) smaal c) smool d) small 2) I just lost my dooooooooooooooooooggggggggg a) and my brother taught me how to chaaaase the baag b) frys in bag c) i hate the song d) what 3) wiuakjes a) what b) chiken butt c) . d) goo good ga ga 4) new stuff a) jqihw b) wdnfklgmaebhtsrd c) awzsn kmfv d) lf e) frfv f) n 2io4kuvwjgvtbu 5) kristov is abously the a) best b) best c) best d) best e) best f) worst 6) ovo is a) dumb b) boring c) fun d) kristov is better than tirae in the game e) idk what to say f) cool 7) my card _____ a) declined b) not declined 8) booty a) yes b) maybe c) no d) yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 9) cj is a) the best b) he will always be my best friend c) the worst d) idk 10) el chavo yo a) sieta b) el Chavo is the goat c) learn spanish d) what

guess da mama

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