1) I want to ___ a ticket for the concert. a) help b) run c) buy 2) Don't forget to ___ your mom on her birthday. a) find b) call c) remember 3) Let's learn how to ___ the tango together. a) dance b) play c) meet 4) Can you ___ a picture of your favorite animal? a) drive b) draw c) see 5) My dad will ___ the car to work tomorrow. a) swim b) talk c) drive 6) It's hard to ___ a parking space in the city center. a) buy b) use c) find 7) I always ___ people's name when I'm nervous. a) remember b) forget c) take 8) I like to ___ my grandmother flowers on her birthday. a) give b) run c) help 9) Did you ___ a noise coming from the kitchen? a) hear b) give c) tell 10) Can you ___ me carry these groceries? a) help b) meet c) forget 11) I need to ___ for my keys before we leave. a) look b) find c) take 12) Let's ___ for a coffee after class. a) draw b) find c) meet 13) She loves to ___ pictures of the sea. a) paint b) use c) wait for 14) Do you know how to ___ chess? a) hear b) play c) dance 15) I can never ___ people's name when I first meet them. a) remember b) forget c) look for 16) I want to ___ a race at the school sports day. a) run b) pait c) find 17) Let's go ___ a movie this weekend. a) see b) meet c) take 18) Would you like to ___ a song for the talent show? a) talk b) tell c) sing 19) In summer, I like to ___ in the ocean. a) run b) swim c) meet 20) Remember to ___ photos of your trip to the zoo. a) take b) give c) forget 21) I need to ___ to my teacher about my homework. a) remember b) use c) talk 22) I have to ___ my best friend a secret. a) tell b) look for c) sing 23) Can you ___ a computer to search for information? a) buy b) use c) call 24) We have to ___ for the bus at the bus stop. a) wait b) tell c) hear

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