someone who pays money to live in another person's flat/room - a roomer/a renter, land or buildings that belong to a certain person - real estate, to have enough money for something - to afford, borrowed money from a bank to buy a home - a mortgage, to organize a party for moving into a new home/to invite guests - to host/throw a house-warming party/a gathering, to start/stop living somewhere - to move in/out, a neighborhood where people live - a residential area, accommodation with or without furniture - furnished/unfurnished, services like electricity, water, and gas in buildings - utilities, to rent an apartment that you yourself rent - to sublet an apartment, to agree to rent a property for a specific time - to sign a lease, items for washing and bathing - a sink, a bathtub, a wash basin, a shower cubicle, a device for controlling water flow - a faucet/a tap, things that cover windows - curtains, drapes, shades, blinds,
Module 8 - Accommodation. Flashcards.
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là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.
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