The iPLEDGE restricted drug distribution program is associated with: - isotretinoin, The puncture resistant container that is used for needle disposal - sharps container, A drug recall that is most likely to result in severe adverse health consequences or death - Class 1, antibacterial drug class associated with tooth discoloration and photosensitivity - tetracyclines, abbreviation for 'as needed' - prn, automated dispensing cabinet that allows for the billing of patients who receive medicines - Omnicell, This law enacted in 1990, requires pharmacies that fill orders for MEdicaid patients to obtain, record, and maintain basic patient information - Health Insurance and Portability Accountability Act (HIPPA), generic name- paroxetine; indicated for major depressive disorder - Paxil; selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), antidepressant, indication- dysuria; classification urinary analgesic; brand names- Azo, Pyridium, Uristat: generic name? - phenazopyridine, Brand name - Dilantin; indication seizures; generic name? - generic name-phenytoin, Brand name- Prevacid; generic name; indication, classification - lansoprazole; gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD); proton pump inhibitor (PPI),
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