Hourly Pay - How much your are paid per hour, Federal Taxes - tax money given to the government for national security and government expenses, State Income Taxes - tax money given to the state, Social Security Tax - tax money to help pay for older people who are retired and for those who are on disability, Medicare Taxes - tax money to help pay for elderly medical expenses, deductions - money that is taken out of your paycheck (before taxes) ex retirement money, insurance, employee - this is the person who works, employer - this is the person who hires employees, full time job - 40 hours or more, part time job - 20 hours or less,

Career Terms

Nhiều hơn

Bảng xếp hạng

Nổ bóng bay là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.

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