1) Reinsurance that requires the ceding company obtain approval from the reinsurer on a case-by-case basis prior to reinsurance becoming effective is: a) An automatic request b) A request according to our treaty c) A facultative reinsurance request d) Management sign-off 2) Lincoln does not utilizes an excess reinsurance arrangement on its LTD, Life and AD&D product lines. a) True b) False 3) Reinsurance supports and enhances the ceding company's position by helping them do all of the following except: a) Achieve predictable loss behavior b) Alleviate 100% of the risk associated with the product being reinsured c) Share the cost of acquiring new business d) Survive catastrophic losses 4) Which scenario will require a facultative quote for LTD coverage:  a) Group with a max. of $14,000 in the Airline industry b) Any case with annual premium that exceeds $1,000,000 c) Group with a max. of $10,000 in the Oil & Gas industry d) A group with a COLA benefit of 5% or greater 5) The SCOR treaty applies to all Group Life coverages EXCEPT: a) Ported policies b) Optional Life c) Dependent Life d) LTD Conversion

Answer the following questions about Lincoln's Reinsurance programs.

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