buenos dias - good morning, buenas tardes - good afternoon, buenas noches - good night, como estas? - how are you?, cuantos años tienes? - how old are you?, cual es tu nombre? - what's your name?, cual es tu deporte favorito? - what is your favorite sport?, cual es tu comida favorita? - what is your favorite food?, cual es tu hobby? - what is your hobby?, estoy bien y tu? - I'm good and you?, tengo veinte años - am twenty years old, mi nombre es - my name is, mi deporte favorito es el voley - my favorite sport is volleyball, mi comida favorita es el churrasco - my favorite food is churrasco, mi hobby es conectar con la naturaleza - my hobby is connecting with nature, belleza - beauty, salio el sol - the sun came out, cae la lluvia - the rain falls, hay luna llena - there is a full moon, se me hace tarde - I'm late,

Bảng xếp hạng

Nối từ là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.

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